The mechanism of the role of online servicescapes on customer engagement in gaming communities - mediated by customer psychological ownership
Online servicescapes; Customer engagement; Customer psychological ownership; Virtual brand communitiesAbstract
In recent years, the virtual brand community has become a platform for customer communication based on the Internet. This paper uses the base of the research results on online servicescapes, customer engagement, customer psychological ownership and customer service appropriation. It builds a theoretical model of online service scenario on customer engagement based on the game community. The results of the study show that: online service scenarios positively influence customer engagement; customer psychological ownership mediates the path of aesthetic appeal and financial security of online service scenarios on customer engagement; and customer service appropriation moderates the relationship between aesthetic appeal, financial security, customer psychological ownership and customer engagement. The results of this study will help academics and industry to understand better the utility of the dimensions of online servicescapes on customer engagement and provide managers with some ways to improve their communities.