The Application and Research of Intelligent Technology in Automobile Engine Production Line


  • Hao Fang
  • Rui Li



Intelligent technology; Car; The engine; Production line; Informatization; Transportation construction


In the rapid development of Internet technology in our country, most industries have gradually become a development model with high demand for Internet technology. Especially for the automobile engine production line, the extensive use of intelligent technology can not only improve the practical production efficiency, but also ensure the overall production quality. As a derivative technology of the development of modern Internet information, intelligent technology is very important for the construction of modern transportation system. However, automobile driving as one of the most key travel tools for social residents. Although our country pays great attention to the application of artificial intelligence in automobile driving, the development and research process is very slow. Therefore, based on the understanding of intelligent technology content, this paper deeply discusses how to apply intelligent technology in the automobile engine production line according to the changes of automobile engine production line in recent years, so as to contribute to the construction and development of information transportation in various parts of our country.


