Study on ground Evacuation test method of civil aircraft emergency lighting


  • Xuan Jiang



Emergency lighting; Evacuation; Test method for Chinese Library Classification Number: V216 Document Identification Code: A OSID


The emergency evacuation ability of civil aircraft is an important index reflecting the safety of aircraft, and emergency lighting is an important factor reflecting its ability. Demonstration and verification of civil aircraft emergency lighting evacuation from the ground is an important prerequisite for the whole aircraft emergency evacuation, and also the only method to show the compliance of Article 812(E) of Part 25 of Civil aviation Regulations. For CCAR25.812 (e) clause to be read, study a civil aircraft that can carry out emergency lighting out of the ground test method, from the test scenario, test personnel and test environment, the evacuation route and so on various factor has carried on the detailed analysis and definition, emergency lighting for subsequent commercial out of the ground demonstration experiment provide a test method for reference.


