Landscape Architecture Carbon Emission Lifecycle Management Tool Based on Artificial Intelligence


  • Xiaoqi Feng
  • Peiyuan Tao
  • Peng Yao



Artificial intelligence; CLA; Large language model; Carbon emission management tools; Landscape architecture; Emission reduction opportunity.


In the contemporary discourse, carbon emissions have emerged as a focal point of global concern due to their role in inducing climate warming and precipitating ecological collapse. The establishment of a comprehensive carbon emission management system, coupled with effective measures, holds the potential to mitigate climate change, safeguard ecological integrity, improve health conditions, and promote global sustainable development. The Carbon Lifecycle AI Project Management Tool (CLA) proposed in this paper makes use of Large Language Model (LLM) and image processing model to intelligently analyze and manage the carbon emission of landscape architecture throughout its life cycle, and focuses on solving the carbon emission problem in landscape architecture. By gathering, integrating, and analyzing data related to landscape architecture, including information on material selection, plant configuration, and energy utilization, comprehensive monitoring and management of carbon emissions from landscape architecture are achieved. CLA not only offers real-time monitoring and analytical capabilities for carbon emissions but also identifies emission reduction opportunities and provides corresponding optimization recommendations, thus offering crucial support for the sustainable development of the landscape architecture industry.


