Research on the composition of glass relics based on CART model


  • Mingyu An
  • Daolong Yuan
  • Suyang Liu
  • Jialei Ding



CART; correlation analysis; components of glass cultural relics.


Based on each index of glass samples, the  indexes of all kinds of glass sample cluster analysis, and the class divide, it is to predict the chemical composition of glass samples which before weathering, the unknown glass samples for testing, and a correlation analysis of chemical composition in glass samples was carried out through the appropriate method. As for the relationship between the weathering degree of cultural relics surface and the type, ornamentation and color of glass samples, the weathering degree and the type, ornamentation and color of glass samples were corresponding to unilateral factors, and the relationship was preliminarily explored by bar charts. It was concluded that the weathering degree had a certain multiple relationship with the three indexes. In order to further study the relationship quantitatively, we used the correlation thermogram to analyze. It can be concluded that the type of cultural relics has the strongest correlation with surface weathering, the correlation degree reaches 0.4, while the correlation of color and ornamentation are 0.013 and 0.12, which are relatively low.


