Progress in the influence of high blood pressure, diabetes, lifestyle and environmental factors on the quality of male semen


  • Li Ren
  • Chiyu Huang
  • Heng Hao



Male semen quality, High blood pressure, diabetes, Nutrition, Weight Index, physical activity , environmental factors.


Male infertility is a common problem among couples, and about 50% of infertilities are caused by male partners, mainly due to poor sperm quality.The quality of semen is influenced by many factors, including male physical condition, lifestyle and environmental factors.In recent years, there has been widespread concern about the impact of high blood pressure, diabetes, lifestyle and environmental factors on semen quality.In order to study the relationship between high blood pressure, diabetes, lifestyle and environmental factors and sperm quality, we reviewed the relevant literature in the following databases: PubMed/Medline, EMBASE (Elsevier), Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar.The study concluded that the decline in male sperm mass, especially in sperm quality associated with high blood pressure, diabetes, poor lifestyle and environmental factors, had a significant impact on human fertility and had become an important public health problem of this century.Infertility can therefore be prevented through a structured plan for lifestyle change, such as education, improved environment, reasonable nutrition, adequate amount of physical exercise and psychological support, to prevent and control high blood pressure and diabetes.This helps couples improve their quality of life and increase their chances of natural conception, or optimize their chances for conception.


