The Effects of Mist Cannon Trucks on Human Health and Reducing Dust


  • Yihan Xu



Mist Cannon Trucks; air quality; dust; human health.


More and more attention has been paid to dust removal by Mist Cannon Trucks (MCT). It is necessary to study the effect and influencing factors of dust removal by MCT. This study discusses the effectiveness and hazards of using MCT to reduce airborne dust by conducting lead testing, color identification, pH testing, and chlorine testing on collected samples. The results show that dust can be significantly reduced by MCT, and the effect of fog cannon decreases with the increase of distance. The MCT is currently safe for pedestrians because it has very few corrosive and toxic substances, and the lead content is also very low, which is below the safe value. At the same time, the sprayed water captured a lot of dust compared to the water in the tank. The main harm to the human body is the excessive lead content in water..


