Research on Electronic Medical Record Information Sharing: A Bibliometric Analysis


  • Xingyi Tao
  • Yuqi Fan



Electronic medical records EMR; Information sharing; Bibliometric analysis.


Objective :This study aimed to conduct a bibliometric analysis of information sharing in electronic medical records. Use bibliometric methods to discover the research directions in this field, the spatiotemporal distribution of research results, and the temporal trends of research hotspots. Methods: This article uses bibliometric analysis methods to analyze relevant research on electronic medical record information sharing. The Web of Science (WOS) database was used to extract the publications. Through keyword searches and limiting literature sources to core journals, 1779 articles were ultimately included in the analysis. Citespace6.2.4 was used for bibliometric analysis. Results: The number of related studies shows a stable upward trend. The application and technological optimizations were the subjects analyzed in most studies. Based on the primary geographic distribution of published articles, the United States was the country that published the most articles. Conclusion: We found that research on laws, regulations, and information ethics is insufficient. These research directions are worth further exploration. In addition, the advancement of information technology is also a solution to the problems in electronic medical record information sharing.


