The Game of Changes in Property Rights and Its Principles after the Confirmation of Rural Land Rights


  • Lianbing Zhou



Confirmation of rural land rights; Ownership; Contracting rights; Game; Fairness within the village; Dual property rights and interests; Principle.


Since the implementation of the rural revitalization strategyof China, the rural land contracting rights have been fully confirmed. However, after strict property rights confirmation, in the process of deepening rural revitalization, there will still be significant changes in the order of rural land property rights, and new interest game and problems will arise. This game has spontaneity based on fair judgment, arbitrariness in approach, and reflects the inherent entanglement between the ownership and contracting rights of rural land after it is confirmed. We should apply the principles of balancing efficiency and fairness, especially the principle of fairness within the village, the dual property rights principle of balancing rural land ownership and contracting rights, and the principle of balancing the rule of law, autonomy, and village conditions, to reasonably regulate and guide major changes in property rights after the confirmation of rural land rights.


