Study on Modern Veranda Style Architecture of Yantai Mountain in Fuzhou under the Fusion of Chinese and Western Culture


  • Miaolan Lin



Chinese and Western culture; Yantai Mountain in Fuzhou; modern veranda style architecture.


After the Opium War, veranda style architecture, as an important type of modern Chinese architecture, took root and sprouted in the major open trading cities, which was the result of the collision and fusion of Western architectural culture and regional construction culture. Yantai Mountain in Fuzhou is rich in modern veranda style architectural culture heritage, which has a profound influence on the modern urban pattern of Fuzhou and the evolution of modern architecture in southern China. Guided by the theory of modern Chinese architecture and detailed field research and literature research, this paper analyzes the function and form of modern veranda style architecture in Yantai Mountain, Fuzhou, discusses its evolution process under the background of regional characteristics in Fujian on the basis of the above, and expands the ideas of protection and activation of veranda style architecture.


