Comparative analysis of the similarities between French Madame Bovary and Chinese The Golden Lock ------ based on feminist perspective


  • Chenjie Du
  • Ningfei Yang



French author Flaubert's Madame Bovary and Chinese Eileen Chang's The Golden Locker both belong to the category of setting and character novels, in which both Emma and Cao Qiqiao revolt due to their dissatisfaction with real life, and both embody feminist colors. Feminist literary criticism in the French-speaking world has studied numerous feminine images in classic foreign novels, but has paid relatively little attention to Chinese female literary images. This paper will compare and contrast the feminist awakening embodied by Emma in Madame Bovary and Cao Qiqiao in The Golden Locker. Their tragic lives have influenced modern women's views on love and marriage, and how they should face the real life is the reflection left by this work to us.


