Research on Music Advertising in TikTok under a Systematic View


  • Han Yang



Tiktok; Music; Advertising; Systematic View.


While TikTok brings new ways of advertising, music advertising could be innovated. The purpose of this research is to find whether music can be advertised on TikTok by implanting music in a short video so that people can get familiar with the music unintentionally. This research first identifies what types of tracks could get popular on TikTok based on Speechiness, danceability, and energy. Bar charts are created on Tableau to visualize the relationship between each characteristic and the tracks' popularity. Tracks with Speechiness below 0.1 have the most popularity and tracks with danceability between 0.7 and 0.9 can be advertised on TikTok. Furthermore, tracks with energy between 0.4 to 0.7 are suitable for advertising on TikTok. A positive linear relationship between the track's popularity and artists' popularity is also found, which means that artists' popularity increases once the popularity of the track increases on TikTok. This research also analyzes Spotify tracks, which found that around half of the songs on Spotify fall into these ranges, so a considerable amount of artists could advertise their tracks on TikTok.


