Aesthetic Origin of the Metal and Stone Sound in the Chinese Seven-String Zither Music


  • Ziran Li



Chinese Seven-String Zither; Metal and Stone Sound; Eight Tones; Ritual Music; Shi (Scholars)


The metallic and stony instruments in the ancient eight-tone system symbolized the hierarchical order and noble rights in the pre-Qin ritual music system. The sound of metal and stone represents the beauty of the highest ritual music system, which is "always in order". During the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the Chinese seven-string zither became a vessel for the scholars to blend the ritual order with their individual emotions, thanks to the preference of the scholars. In the Han Dynasty, with the rise of the scholar class, the Chinese seven-string zither was pushed to the altar of “ritual and music”, following the path of the sound of metal and stone. The sound of metal and stone has influenced the making and playing of the Chinese seven-string zither since the Tang Dynasty - the sound of metal and stone has become the aesthetic standard of the Chinese seven-string zither music.


