Research on hybrid teaching of Medical Electronics


  • Wansong Xu



Hybrid teaching, Online and Offline, Medical electronics, Combination of medical and Engineering


Medical electronics is a basic course for the combination of medicine and engineering. The course features a wide range of knowledge but not deep, focusing on the basic theories concepts and methods. However, due to the wide range of knowledge, shallow student foundation and short course hours, the teaching effect of this course is not satisfactory. With the development of modern educational technology, we introduce a new educational model of online and offline mixed teaching, which integrates the advantages of online education with the advantages of traditional classroom teaching, improves students' autonomous learning ability and cultivates innovation ability from three links: before class, in class and after class. Teaching practice has proved that the hybrid teaching mode can fully explore the convenience of online teaching at the forefront of disciplines, make use of the efficiency of offline classroom teaching knowledge, complete discipline intersection and promote medical engineering integration, so as to improve teaching quality and talent training quality


