Practice and Experience of Corps Colleges and Universities in the New Era of the Communist Party of China's Unity and Stabilisation of the Borderlands


  • Huichang Ma



national unity and progress creation, university experience, unity and stability of the frontier.


General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out when attending the Fifth Session of the 13th National People's Congress that "national unity is the lifeline of all ethnic groups in our country, and the sense of community of the Chinese nation is the basis of national unity". Based on this, this study takes the creation of national unity and progress in colleges and universities as the main line, selects the national national unity and progress in the creation of demonstration units - Shihezi University as the object of study, comprehensively applies the comprehensive social survey research methods such as literature research, participant observation, interviews, etc., sums up the specific practice of Shihezi University in practicing unity and stabilisation of Xinjiang, and puts forward targeted, comprehensive, and effective measures for the creation of Xinjiang's national unity and progress in Xinjiang. The study will summarise the concrete practice of Shihezi University, put forward targeted and exemplary opinions on the creation of national unity and progress, promote the implementation and development of the concept of "unity and stability" in the whole territory, and offer suggestions for the realisation of social stability and long-term peace and stability in Xinjiang.


