Where do data sovereignty security risks come from?-Production perspective based on social reproduction


  • Qian Wang
  • Hao Niu
  • Nengwu Xu




data elements;social reproduction;production chain;data sovereignty risk.


As a new factor of production, data has been rapidly integrated into all aspects of production, distribution, circulation, consumption and social service management, and has had a profound impact on production methods, lifestyles and social governance methods. In essence, data, as a new factor of production, is the result of the contradictory movement of productivity and production relations in the process of economic development in the digital economy era. It is also the reconstruction of productivity and production relations in the digital era. While the digital industry and digital economy have become an important engine leading global economic growth and bringing huge dividends, data as a production factor is also accompanied by rising sovereign security risks. Taking the production of data elements in social reproduction as an entry point, we clarify the possible security risks of data as a new production factor in the production process, analyze the data sovereignty security risks derived from the security risks, and find that data sovereignty security risks breed when data elements participate in social reproduction. In the production process, there are challenges and threats to data sovereignty security such as internal jurisdiction and control rights owned by sovereign countries, as well as external rights to equality and independence. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately grasp the data sovereignty security risks that exist in the production process of social reproduction of data elements, and build new data production relationships to match the development characteristics of new productive forces, so as to prevent and resolve non-traditional security risks caused by sovereignty security.


