How to create an art therapy paradigm for Generation Z in the post-epidemic era within contemporary media systems—— Introduction to the design and iterative process of the Cyber Empath - Cyber Confessional project


  • Xieyu Chen



Art Therapy; Contemporary Media Systems; Generation Z; Post-Epidemic Era.


The main objective of this report is to explore and design an art therapy paradigm within the contemporary media system that is conducive to the mental health development of the Generation Z community in the context of the post-epidemic era, and that is truly applicable to the community and in harmony with its zeitgeist. The project is guided by the integrative methodology of art therapy and Carl Gustav Jung's theory of the psychology of religion. It draws on the religious ritual of "confession to a priest" in form; critically deconstructs the religious power of the ritual in content; injects new connotations that resonate with the zeitgeist of Generation Z in spirit; combines immersive experience design with contemporary media systems in technology; and attempts to create a therapeutic cyberspace guided by the digital avatar for Generation Z. Additionally, the report documents the intervention events and new findings so far during the construction of the project.


