The formation system of film and television language based on drama conflict and misplacement


  • Jun Dong
  • Kamal Sabran



Drama conflict; Dislocation; Film&TV language; Formation system.


Dislocation conflict is an extremely important way and technique of expression in drama art through the construction of differentiated dislocation of personal image, social identity and emotional cognition. It intensifies the contradiction between the relationship between the characters and the narrative conflict of the drama, creates the dramatic tension, and further produces the abrupt beauty, all of which contribute to the generation of dramatic discourse. After vivid representations of dislocation and dramatic conflict, absurd stories often develop. These absurd narratives are motivated not by idealism that seems to float in the air, but by a desire to deconstruct realism and to stop talking about real life. Along with the cycle of "creating misunderstandings - solving misunderstandings", film and television language also forms a system in the process of inducing humor and penetrating reality.


