Conceptual Analysis of Environmental Protection for Higher Education Population


  • Xiaokai Zhou
  • Xukai Li
  • Yuzhen Wang
  • Chengcheng Song
  • Ziqi Zhang
  • Yuan Yin



Multi-dimensional analysis, environmental protection, higher education, environmental planning, investigation and research.


Higher education population as the main force of social development, analysis of their degree of environmental protection, can effectively understand the relevant population's attitude towards environmental protection targeted. In this paper, 1400 people from BeiJing Jiaotong University and other universities in chemical engineering, engineering, liberal arts, chemical engineering and environment were investigated. At the same time, using conceptual analysis method, 20 terms including ecosystem, eutrophication and environmental carrying capacity were grouped and scored by correlation. Through the analysis of the quadrants of the samples of each major category, the relationship between related terms and the degree of difference of environmental protection awareness among higher education groups caused by different professional reasons are obtained. At the same time, the investigation and analysis can lay a solid foundation for the future higher education of environmental protection education and inject more energy into the cause of mitigation and protection.


